Monthly Archives: May 2012

37 weeks…FULL TERM!!!

What? I can’t believe I’m almost at the end….only three weeks left…or maybe less?!?!?

I don’t feel him head down yet and I don’t feel myself being totally ready for him either.  I guess it’s because I don’t have any major things going on that are making me uncomfortable or miserable. I’m actually pretty OK. Yes, I get tired and ache all over, but nothing like a little stretching, refreshing shower or a nap can’t solve. I didn’t even have to nap the last couple days, I went for a walk instead. Sudden surge of energy? I can’t explain it. I even sleep deeper and hardly remember how many times I went to pee during the night. I am also in a better mood. I’m very very happy. I’m super excited that I’ve come so far and all has been fantastic. Yes, I’m anxious and nervous when is it going to start, but overall I’m trying to keep calm and taking it day by day.

I feel like eating a bit more, but don’t think like I’m gaining anything anymore. I do hope so. My circumference is still 105cm.

There are still minor things to do, but I am sure I will get them done somehow. I ordered some Swiss natural products for bathing my son and also some aromatic oils to help me relax. I also bought today my nursing pyjama to take to the hospital. Stripy pink. Love it.

I’m thinking of having my eyelashes and spray tan done. Just for the fact, that I don’t think I will be in a mood to apply make-up and I do want to look a bit presentable for the birth and the pictures or filming that will follow. May sound vain, but all my girlfriends who already gave birth advised me on trying to feel the best. But the spray tan lasts only a week ..the lashes up to a month, so they are not an issue…maybe next week I spray tan first time and then just have a weekly top up until I pop. Hahaha. Sound silly trying to plan this, but it keeps me somehow less preoccupied. Or do I care? I don’t really know, I may just do the lashes.

Enough about this nonsense LOL.

Anyway, Friday is my pregnancy massage so I can’t wait and next Thursday is my 38 week Dr. appointment. Important things to look forward to. 😀


Maternity Photo Shoot




I didn’t know which ones to pick…so I made collage of a few…

I can’t believe when I look at these pictures, that I’m pregnant! LOL! Yes, it is actually ME!

Beautiful memory to keep, just need to pick the right ones to print and frame for the nursery.


Baby’s nursery…almost finished

Still waiting on the crib, changing table and then just hang some pictures, perhaps some fluffy rug, chandelier and then the BABY!

Where the car seat and hospital bags are will go the crib, the dresser – changing table will go on the wall where the hanger is standing opposite the bed…then after three months, the bed will come out and I will move the crib more to the center, where the bed used to be to create more space for playtime.

I’m getting sooo excited now that all is coming together well!


About 28days to go…

Today I picked out my maternity photos. I need to upload them from the CD first, but I have one photo collage printed so I just took a pic with my camera phone.


I’m very happy with the pictures. They are all beautiful and exactly how I imagined them.

I also found a baby shop where they do all things by hand. I found even nicer and cheaper bedding sets. I bought one immediately and decided not to go ahead with the original idea. I bought set of sheets made from pima peruvian cotton and a knitted blanket.


Also today I made an agreement with a new cleaning lady. She came three times to try and she seems nice, calm and hardworking. She will start Monday from Monday till midday Saturday. Gotta have the help with all my furry animals, cooking and cleaning. She said that she doesn’t like ironing, well she is in luck, because my hubby’s shirt I send to drycleaning and the rest of ironing is minimal, which she can do or I’m Ok to do it. I actually like ironing. I find it relaxing.

I finished re-organizing the closets, so the baby’s room have only his clothes, bed sheets and towels and some smaller sized hubby’s shirts…in case he loses some weight in the future. 😉 My feet and legs hurt like hell right now, but it’s all DONE!

Time to put my feet up and watch some TV.




36 weeks

Dr. appoitment went well.  Weight gain 0,5kg in the last two weeks,  so in total I’m 76kg. Cervix fully closed. Baby’s head still up. Next control in two weeks.

Today I picked out my LO first bedding set. It’s white with light green embroidery of leaves, owls and prince crown. The pillow will have F embroidered.  It shall be ready in two weeks.

I’m not feeling super good today. Kinda feeling blue, low and sad for no particular reason. It’s my DH birthday today, but we will celebrate it on Friday instead, he doesn’t feel good either after having a very busy day at work.

Tomorrow I should have my maternity photos. Can’t wait to see them. I’m planning to frame some and hang them in the nursery.

Two of my friends from University are pregnant too. They are both called Kate. LOL. Red haired Kate and blond haired Kate. Red haired Kate is due this Sunday. The other Kate is one month behind me. Exciting times. Red haired Kate is also training to become a midwife.

Well, nothing more to say for today. Just that LO is kicking away and I’m trying to feel a bit more upbeat. I guess it’s just being tired and sleepy without being able to sleep properly. Tomorrow will be better for sure. XO

35weeks & 4days, nursery ideas

Completed 8months! What? Where is the time gone by? On Wednesday is my 36th week Dr. appointment. And then I think is weekly. We are so close now. All the baby stuff is almost done. On the weekend I finally decided on the nursery furniture, which will arrive five days after my due date, but no worries, he will sleep meantime in the bassinet or he may still be inside my tummy. Who knows, right?

Here is the crib I picked out. All nursery furniture will be white. I’m a romantic, I guess it shows. I like french shabby chic and antiques.


When the nursery is all set up, I will reveal it all put together.

As I’m typing, he’s kicking away. Sweet little boy I can’t wait to meet. Hubby said to me this morning that he wants him out already LOL to be able to interact with him. So sweet. Everyone is so ready for him. I guess I am as well, but I’m not at that point, where I’m like, OK boy out now! I love my belly and the fact he is safe inside my tummy. Even though my hands and feet get swollen at night and I feel so clumsy and tired, I love being pregnant. It’s the happiest time so far for me. I believe I will be all over the moon when my son will be born. I get emotional only thinking about it. I’m a bit scared, excited, anxious, nervous, happy…all of it and more.

I also get sad a bit thinking about my fellow blogger friends who are still waiting for the positive pregnancy test, pregnancy going through without any complications and in the end with a healthy baby to take home. They are in my thoughts every day. I believe every one of us will get our LO in our arms some day.


34weeks & 4days….HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY


Due date & when I started this blog

I just checked that I’ve started this blog 19th June 2011 and my due date is 20th June 2012. What a coincidence, right?

I hope to celebrate one year writing this blog with having actual baby in my arms!!! I mean my journey has started 4years ago, but I oficially started writing about it, when I was going for my first IVF.

Anyways, who knows exactly when my little guy decides to join us! So I just sit and wait patiently 😀 Not long now!

34 weeks

Yesterday was my Dr. appointment. I only gained 2kg since last time, so whoooopie! I’m 75kg now. Feel pretty good about it. 😀

My little guy weighs 2200g, measures 43cm, his heartbeat was 156bpm and listen to this, he already has some hair!!! When Dr. pointed it out on the screen I could not believe it, but yes, I could clearly see his hair!!!

This was I think my last ultrasound and therefore no more pictures. But here is the last one.


My adorable chubby baby ❤

What else…oh, today I had my maternity photoshoot and it was so much fun! Make-up, hair done, lots of outfit changes…I felt incredibly sexy and almost forgot I had a huge belly hahaha.

Anyway, the pictures will be ready in a couple of weeks, so I might share some with you 😀

I was so tired afterwards, that I missed out on my birthing class this evening. It was about breastfeeding. It can be replaced, so nothing to worry about. I had a good nap instead. LOL.

Sunday is a Mother’s Day. What are your plans? We are invited to my in laws house for BBQ on Saturday evening. I also planning to buy ME something nice. I went to ZARA the other day (yes, ZARA finally made to Peru YAY) and saw these cognac leather high boots that I fell in love with instantly. I’m a sucker for shoes BTW so that’s why shoe shopping is a treat for me. I think I might get those. Or I just might end up shopping for my little guy again. I shouldn’t really. I have clothes for him until 6months 😀

Well, that’s all for this week.




Baby shower

Last night was my baby shower. Oh my! It was beautiful. I will share few photos I managed to take with my camera phone before the real pics comes in.




Gifts!!! All amazing and original! Time to do some more washing hahaha!